Monday, December 1, 2008

Inde Sapien Choice Awards

Choice Logo Large

The first-ever Inde Sapien Awards!
In no particular order:

To Sheta Kaey, for the "freakiest" blog you'll ever read;

To Mountain Woman at Red Pine Mountain, for fearless honesty and sharing her beautiful world;

To The Fae Fashionista, for her gorgeous wearable art (and often hilarious tweets);

To Andrea, for a whole spectrum of love and determination.


Sheta said...

Thank you (I think)! lol My first award, and it's for being a weirdo. ;)

Andrea said...

I'm so honored! Thank you very much!!

My Autism Insights

The Silver Age Sara said...

Wow, I truly believe you have just paid me the best compliment I could ever hope to receive.

I am so honored. Thanks are just not adequate.