Saturday, November 29, 2008


K, this isn't the sort of post I'd usually make on this blog, but I got back to dropping EC today and this was the "card" I caught up first.

And, as usual, as I'm surfing along, browsing blogs and envying handicraft skills, I run into a few posts that really piss me off.

It's a racism thing.

I am so sick of it being okay for non-whites to be racist, but if a white person says anything even a bit questionable they are called out, chastised, and likened to Hitler.

I'm not white myself; I'm (as my brother puts it) a Czech-xican (that's Czech and Mexican, for those who don't know), and that Hispanic blood puts me into the "non-white (Caucasian)" demographic.

It isn't okay to be rude no matter what your ethnic make-up is. I don't care where you are, who your ancestors were, or what kind of BS you put up with from "whitey." If you are a bigot "of color," you are still a bigot, and to make public posts showcasing your ignorance, intolerance, and asininity just proves you are worse than those you are talking smack about.

Grow up, for crying out loud. People will give you plenty of reasons to hate them on their individual merits (and lack thereof); "playing the race card" is lazy, stupid, and should be universally offensive.

Peace, out.

1 comment:

MaricrisG said...

whoever said racism is dead is Insane! There's a lot of 'em still going on. It is something that will never cease until all the hatred and prejudice the seem to reign amidst each culture that plays in this game die itself.